Prefer East, North or North East facing Property
Always avoid south, South east & South west
facing Property Main door
Wall opposite the main door is not advisable
3 doors should not be in one line
Toilet and bathrooms opposite the main door is
not advisable
Vaastu pooja should be performed in NE of the
South, West, SW wall should be heavy and higher
than north and East
Plot & home should be square or rectangular
Boring or well should be in NE only
Kitchen should be in Se and gas should be in
East side
Dinning room should be in West and NW
Racks and almaris always on west and south side
Never fix mirror on south wall
Toilet and bathrooms should be on south side
Couple should not sleep in SE bedroom
Avoid children bedroom in South west
Master bedroom should be in South west
Never sleep your heads towards north side
Temple should be on north or east wall
Do not keep many gods in the temple
No temple should be on toilet and bathroom wall
Temple should not be under the staircase
Drainage pipes of dirty waters should not be on
north or east wall
Slope of the plot should be on the east or north
Toilet seat should be on the south wall or east
Septic tank should be on the North west side
No basement door should be south or south west
Main door of the house should be bigger than
other doors of the house
Staircase should be on the south west, north
west, and west only
Stairs should go from north to south and east to
Stairs should be clockwise direction
Over head water tank should be on west, South
west or North west side
Under ground water should be on north or east
Big trees should be always on west or south side
Face east or north while reading or doing any
business deal
Face east while cooking never face south or west
Never put the painting of crying girl, dense
forest, war scenes, nude pictures, crow, owl,
eagle, single male or female painting
Avoid automatic doors of home or office
Doors of kitchen and bathroom should not open
towards each other
Never keep standing ganesh, lakshmi and
saraswati in temple
Always use the bed of 4 legs only, never put any
waste material under the bed
Avoid iron bed for sleeping
There should be headboard on the bed and solid
wall behind the bed